The Gift of Desperation
Recently I was listening to an R+F consultant tell her story. She was married to a pastor, homeschooled her six, counte 'em, SIX children, played piano in the church, taught piano lessons, and ran a drop ship bakery service. Her husband also had a painting and dry wall business, and it had flat dried up. No money coming in for 4 weeks. Their savings as caput, and they needed to do something to keep food on the table. So they decided to open a bakery. But the thought of opening the bakery filled our friend with serious anxiety and dread. How was she going to continue running this huge household while also working full time in a bakery! She went to God and asked him for clear direction-- within 24 hours. Now we all know that we aren't supposed to test God but she was pressed, and she needed an answer. So she went back to Him and said, "Really! I need you to tell me what you want me to do!" The next day her mother called and invited her to her sister's R+F l...